The Generator and Manifesting Generator Deep Dive
My name is Heather, and I will be your host: a 3/5 Splenic Projector who has been in my experiment for about 5? 6 years? I lost track - and have been doing the Human Design field work of working with others on their experiments for about 4 years.
Generators & Manifesting Generators make up approx 70% of the population. Anyone who has a defined Sacral centre will be one of these two types: how they differ is that the Manifesting Generator ALSO has a motor centre connected to the Throat (giving them that manifesting energy as well as the sustainable Sacral energy) but a generator does NOT have a motor connected to their Throat.
The Sacral Centre is the centre of Divine Life Force, creative energy. The two types with this centre defined have consistent access to sustainable Life Force, Creative energy: making them a force to be reckoned with.
The Generator & Manifesting Generator Aura
The Generator and Manifesting Generator Aura is open & enveloping. These are people who are designed to do what they love to do, and do as much of what they love, as they like. The Sacral is like a honing device: an internal compass that is always leading you toward the Right Stuff (people, places, jobs, opportunities, etc) for you. Follow what the Sacral is turned on by and you will be golden: literally, a generator on fire is like a magical firework buzzing around the room to witness.
It is your energy that powers the rest of the world. The more turned on and lit up by life you are, the more vibrant life force energy moves through the world for the rest of us to ride on.
Strategy: Wait to Respond
So how to know what your Sacral wants you to do? Follow your Gut response. The Sacral provides a hugely visceral response as to whether something is meant for you or not: and yet we are all trained to make decisions using our head. Nope. Plug back into your body and USE THAT to make decisions. Is your body opening up or contracting away when you see/think of this thing? Are you excited about it, or is it a “have to?” or a “should”?
Half the battle of coming into a relationship with your Sacral is actually beginning to say NO to the things that are not a Sacral yes.
IMPORTANT: Learning the Feel of Your Sacral Response
Since following your body’s inner knowing is the number one thing to do to support your body’s vitality, I thought I’d better touch on how to regain touch with it.
We are conditioned away from following our body's response because the world (parents, teachers,governmening bodies, society) really loves to tell us what we should do. Reclaiming your gut feelings as your prime decision maker is an act of rebellion against conditioning and may feel confusing, wrong and at times impossible.
You are not a bad person for following your needs and desires. Other people may respond badly at first, but once they see how much more vibrancy you have they will love that you gave yourself permission to live for you. And again, you don’t have to start doing it for major things overnight- start with small things, like what you eat for lunch. But we will get to food later.
The Sacral response is a primal gut response. It speaks to you in a few different ways, and you can get the hang of how your Sacral speaks to you by paying attention to these when faced with any external stimuli (i.e person, place, option, food, advertisement, etc):
Physical sensations in the body. Does your body feel tight, sticky, restrictive when you see that person or get that phone call? Or does it feel open, lit up and excited?
The first sounds you make. Is it an “ooooh! But I shouldn’t….” (that oooh is your sacral responding positively) or is it an “eugh, yeah I guess I better do that...” (that eugh is your Sacral responding negatively).
Do you feel lit up and energized by the thought of it? Or does it feel bleak, draining and like a “have to”?
Note on emotional authority: It feels important to say that even if you have emotional authority your Sacral response is vital to get to know because it informs the Strategy of every Generator type: Wait to Respond. It is only for the big and important (that is, important to you) decisions that your emotional authority takes over and you would wait and sleep on it before making a decision. Most likely not what to have for dinner.
Sacral Rhythm
Your defined Sacral holds a huge amount of Life Force energy. But this doesn’t mean endless- your Sacral energy is like a battery that recharges as you sleep and gets run down as you move throughout your day. Every type needs rest and the amount needed by Generators will differ depending on the Generator in question and their current life circumstances, as well as monthly/daily/seasonal hormonal and planetary energies. You can get to know your own Sacral rhythm by keeping notes/a journal comparing energy levels as you go through your day/week/year as it will likely differ between all generator types.
The Major Difference Between Manifesting Generators and Generators
The biggest different between the rhythm of MG’s versus Generators is that while Generators will often focus on one thing at a time, and study/progress more or less in a linear way (designed to become experts in a field) - Manifesting Generators often prefer to dip their toes into many different things at the same time, to flit between exciting projectors, and to “skip steps” - that is, to progress at your own unique fast-tracked pace, rather than in a linear way.
Make peace with joy and deservingness
It is basically the role of Genrerators and MGs to do more of what brings them joy - and yet, so many people (but especially women) have so much guilt around feeling good. We can read this two ways - if I am feeling good, I am not giving my absolute everything to everyone else - how dare I create this joy and magic for myself! And also, as sensitive beings - we think things like “how dare I feel amazing, and follow my joy, when so many people struggle”. There is no one-size fits all way out of this.