The Human Design Undefined Sacral and Knowing When Enough is Enough

Hello, from the beautiful Victorian countryside! (that's the Australian state, not the time period)

I have recently returned from a nearly one year jaunt around the world, firstly against my will due to health concerns (in case you haven’t caught up: she (she being me) is gonna be fine! She is resting and will eventually get surgery but for now she is enjoying the magic of salt air and waking up to the sound of the ocean and bird call!) but now I am actually, truly, maybe for the first time in a decade: enjoying the novelty of an ordinary (compared to my travel-filled 20s) life. I am just waking up, wandering into the small town for a takeaway coffee, taking my coffee back to the little office I’ve set up in the sun room, doing my work while listening to all of evermore and the folklore bonus tracks specifically, and then reading Midnight Sun and/or looking at visually pleasing cottagecore decor on Pinterest until I am sleepy enough for bed.

Something that my health concerns have made blatantly obvious to me is that burnout is still burnout, whether it is caused by stress of doing what you hate or the stress of doing too much of what you love. Even though by July of this year when my health problems became unignorable (picture me pale as a ghost and swaying to the point of falling over in a Belgium art museum) I was burnt out and exhausted and sick as a result of too much fun and getting too many things ticked off my bucket list in too short a time - with an undefined sacral I am STILL going to burnout from not knowing when enough is enough. 

I believed I was immune from burning out because I was having fun!!! I had already been through the non-sacral initiation of the stressful-and-underpaid job related burnout, and I was focused on enjoying my life and in my own words, “living fast and dying young”. But part of deconditioning that undefined Sacral Centre is finding just as much nourishment and sweetness and enjoyment in regenerative, slow, quiet days as you do in really fun, laughter filled activities. 

Another part of deconditioning that undefined Sacral is understanding your own personal limits and your own body sensations of ‘enough’ even when things feel really, really good. 

And a HUGE part of deconditioning that undefined sacral centre is teaching yourself to not assign your worth in how much you do.

I really do hope that my mishaps create a template for you all that deconditioning happens in layers and over years; if not a lifetime. I really do hope that my 3/5 escapades are not in vain and can act as a living breathing model for deconditioning at your own pace, rather than ever feeling like you aren’t “doing your Design right.” If you are curiously noticing the places your Not-Self themes come up and questioning them, you are deconditioning.

Something fun thing happening on the podcast at the moment is a Top to Tail Deconditioning Experiment: we are starting at the Head Centre and landing at the Root centre, exploring the disdains and delights of having these defined or undefined.

The Head Centre episode is already available, and Ajna episode becomes available tomorrow!

Slow life and creativity.

The slow paced life has never felt like something I could ever settle into - more a “oh I love that for you” type of thing -  but after spending months of this year working on my nervous system I am settling into the long lush periods of creativity available in peace and space; rather than getting high off wild instantaneous bursts of creation. Having an entire day to sit down at a desk, look out the window at the trees and the emu statue in the backyard and just write whatever comes to mind even if it's terrible is a little more conducive to a nourishing creative practice than a stolen hour of solo no-activity time in a coffee shop or an airport and a very specific task I have to ‘create’ in that time frame.

I have also discovered, through finding out I have ADHD, that I can fulfil my needs for dopamine through little projects and thrifting trips and creating new Pinterest boards for every one of my personalities rather than feeling the need to be in a new city every weekend (I wish I was exaggerating).

If you want a little more on these topics, a couple of weeks ago I recorded a podcast episode on everything I have learned about tending to, working with and thriving with an undefined sacral centre (so for projectors, manifestors & reflectors - but honestly anyone who wants to work on their nervous system will benefit):

listen here.

Want to learn much, much more? Join the Membership; listen to The Applied Human Design podcast, or go all in with my Applied Human Design Practitioner Training & Certifictation.


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