Deep Dive Into The Projector in Human Design
Welcome to Your Deep Dive into Being a Projector!
My name is Heather, and I will be your host: a 3/5 Splenic Projector who has been in my experiment for about 5? 6 years? I lost track - and have been doing the Human Design field work of working with others on their experiments for about 4 years.
Projectors make up approx 21% of the population. Projectors are any Type that have some kind of definition (at least two defined centres) but their Sacral is undefined and they have no motors (solar plexus, sacral, ego or root) connected to the Throat.
Projectors are here to be guides, redirectors and managers of energy. I like to think that Projectors came to exist at a certain point in history when the Universe was like:
“Hey - we have enough energy in existence. We actually need people who can direct & move that energy so that it is being used to its highest potential.”
In fact, if you speak astrology - Projectors are comparible to Retrogrades - they are people who naturally observe what’s happening, who look to how things have worked in the past, who reflect on what is present in order to move forward in a new and ideally better way.
I always like to conceptualise this with the relationship between the Manifestor and the Projector. The Manifestor says, “I got all this stuff I wanna make!” the Projector says, “Here is the best place to start, then we will go from there.”
Projector Aura
The Projector aura is focused and absorbing. It is designed to zoom in on one thing (one person, one activity, one situation), make assessments of how efficiently that thing is working, and share where that thing could be working more efficiently.
When speaking to somebody or focusing on somebody, your aura focuses on the other person, makes an energetic assessment of what is going on inside of them, and comes out knowing a lot of information about who they are, their health, their mental patterns, and so on. Exactly what you pick up on will depend on the specific projector.
Waiting for the Invitation
Now. This is where the Projector STRATEGY of waiting for the invitation comes in. Most people don’t like having a bunch of uninvited advice on how they could improve all these areas of their life. That is exactly how Projectors get the reputation of know-it-all, bossy boots, etc.
So the trick is - and trust me, I am a Projector and I know how hard it is - to hold your peace until the other person asks for your input. Once you have been invited to share - the focused, penetrating nature of your Aura has been invited - go on in, assess their energy, and tell them what needs to be altered.
There are two ingredients to “being invited” - being recognised and then being invited.
Being recognised means someone choosing you for your unique gifts/energy/flavour/insight. The Invitation is the actual “could you help me with this?”
The Invitation is a method of Energy Protection. If you have an energy that penetrates the other person and Life Force energy that is inconsistent, it makes sense that the energy you do have should be funneled solely into where it is going to be of most use. This is the wisest use of your unique vision and power. If you don’t wait to be invited before sharing your wisdom (ie, if you waste all your energy shouting at people who couldn't care less about what you have to say) you will burn yourself out and you won’t have the energy to do what will actually nourish you. I know it is hard. And if you are reading this because you are working with a projector, we need to honour how hard this is for them. The natural tendency is to want to share the insights they have.
The Invitation ensures your energy as a projector is invested into spaces where it is valued - if it is not, it is wasting what you have.
Invitation is not always Explicit. The more attuned you are to your body and what feels good to you and what doesn’t - the more you will get to know where you are invited and where you are not. So much of it is energetic and comes from making mistakes.
The Projector Pace of Life
With an undefined Sacral centre, Projectors have our own pace of life.
The Undefined Sacral
Any undefined centre is a place where we receive energy, like chalices to be filled and emptied each day.
But we are trained to try and “give” out of all out open centres. Forcing, willing, draining something to come out and provide for the collective - that you don’t necessarily have to give. Trying to give from an open sacral is like giving your life force away.
As a projector you need rest. It's not a choice of ‘when I have time, then I will give myself a break’. Unlike Sacral-defined types that have consistent access to that sacral Life Force energy, yours is more inconsistent and requires two things for your body to stay well -
a) pre rest and b) deep rest.
Deep rest is sleep and meditation or any time when you are not consciously aware of yourself and your surroundings.
Pre-rest is calm down time. Because you - with an undefined Sacral centre- take in and amplify the sacral energy of other people, you can tend to feel like you are buzzing by the end of the day with everybody else’s energy. If you don’t remind yourself that this isn’t actually yours and isn’t sustainable, you can find yourself going and going and going endlessly, until you basically fall asleep standing up. Or end up totally burned out. If a projector (or anybody with an undefined Sacral; so Manifestors and Reflectors as well) tries to go straight to sleep or meditation without first giving themselves some cool-off time, they are often just going to sit/lie there still buzzing or wide awake.
So pre-rest/ calm down strategies are different for every Projector - find what works for you. Mine includes an earlier warm dinner, an episode or two of my favorite no-stress show, a herbal “relax” tea, maybe pull some cards if I like - and then I read a fiction book until I fall asleep.