the alchemical power of jealousy
If i am talking about Expansion then I would be remiss to not touch on the initiatory green goddess.
The green eyed monster.
Lady Jealousy.
Jealousy can either be the hindrance that slams your Expansion to a screeching halt, or the shadow initiation that busts you into your next version of self.
That burning, twisting sensation of the knife of jealousy slicing through your solar plexus.
The priorly held determination that you are all powerful and all deserving - now wiped out by a devastating tsunami of rage.
“I can never be like her,”
Your broken heart roars. It screams. It begs to be anyone else. To have anyone else’s life.
All the energetic work you’d done to make space for your own Expansion is eradicated by the deluge of the tsunami of un-worthiness; and you return to your nervous system’s safety setting of “nah. it doesn’t work for me.”
In your path of Expansion, nothing shoves you off your course like seeing other people get what you desire, seemingly with more ease than you.
Dejected, frustrated, bitter - you return to your comfortable standard set point of victim.
Unless…you use it as an opportunity to move into the
mystery of darkness
that it is stirring up in you -
and unlock reservoirs of power.
Jealousy is a protective response disguising a high energy realization that you are just as powerful and deserving of the person in front of you is. Their light is triggering in you something incredible that you a) already have or b) desire to have.
Your nervous system is protecting you from your power/light for a number of reasons (could be past life trauma, could be fears from childhood, could be beliefs & conditioned around what it means to be a woman - we can find the exact roots in private mentoring or You. (Expanded Version)). Your nervous system is likely protecting you from fully feeling what you desire because it wants to protect you from the disappointment of not having it.
If you stop for a second and take a look around, you can spot the potential for a deep cellular upgrade present in the activation. You can see that since you have been asking to Expand - life is presenting you with an opportunity for expansion.
Quantum leaps occur from making different decisions. If you usually work with jealousy one way, but this time work with it a different way - that’s alchemy.
That is a leap.
Jealousy is an uncomfortable alchemical laser beam into the heart of what you are capable of. It feels so painful because it is something you are afraid to admit resides within you. So next time you feel it, take a sweet sweet scary look into the blinding reflection of the gold light that person is shining back at you. Revealing the magic inside of you. And accept that light as your own.
Or join me in guided practice of this integration (and so many more leaps in your Expansion) in You (Expanded Version). We start Tuesday.