Projectors: Express, Don’t Repress: Your Craving for Recognition.
the Projector Soul feeds off being recognised.
I spent a whole bunch of time in my Experiment doing everything I could not to be “that needy Projector”; thirsty for & craving alllll the recognition.
Doing everything the HD literature said like - “recognise yourself first. It will come. You will be seen for who you are.”
and even repeating those same tropes myself to my clients in own my work.
(the way that certain phases just get accepted as lore in spirituality and instagram HD - a few people deciding what is Truth for all of us, without us all reallllly unpacking them - is the very reason I refuse to teach anything until it resonates as absolute Truth in my bones now.)
The skipped over part of this story is that part of Recognising yourself involves recognising the part of you that craves admiration in an intense, needy way. How can you truly recognise yourself, if you are simultaneously trying to deny and repress the part of you that longs for recognition from others?
You can’t.
“Recognise yourself” skips over the soul-burning longing to be recognised, loved, adored & appreciated for being exactly who you truly are;
the pain of all the times you weren’t seen for who you are; and, the pain of all the times you tried to be someone you aren’t in order to be recognised and validated.
That is the heavy burden lying dormant within every Projector who has never let themselves fully express just how badly they crave being seen. We want to try and “prove” (hello, Heart Centre not-self!) that we love & recognise ourselves, and that we TRUST our recognition is on its way.
(But I would say anything you are trying to “prove” you trust - you don’t actually trust. Trust doesn’t need proving, because it is. If you are trying to prove Trust then you are trying to control yourself and your wild, inner Projector Soul Desires.)
Yesss, you don’t want to feel thirsty for validation from other people. BUT - anything you try to repress just leaks out everywhere. So the quickest route to not being super thirsty for recognition is to actually allow yourself to admit to yourself, just how bloody badly you desire recognition.
BEG for it. Put on needy music and begggg for it. CRY out for the recognition you crave. Let your body experience the deepest desire that your Projector Soul has - to be loved, adored & recognised FOR EXACTLY WHO YOU ARE. To have other people bow down to your wisdom, to have others admire your genius.
What would happen, if you sunk into that??!
Yes - you would have to release control. You’d have to stop pretending to be the ‘cool calm collected person that doesn’t need validation from anyone’.
Let your inner child who felt unseen cry, stomp their feet, throw a fit in craving of recognition.
It is not bad, or silly, or annoying that you desire to be so deeply seen for all that you are. It’s the very heart of you.