Human Design Energy Centres: Biological Associations

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What part/function of the body does each of the nine human design energy centres correspond to? What does this mean? Let’s explore.

The Head Centre: The Pineal Gland.

The not-self theme of the Head Centre is thinking about things that don’t matter -

making the pineal gland, the gland that rules our sleep/wake pattern, align perfectly.

We spend most of our days looping rubbish thought patterns, so much of humanity the walking dead. 

This gland resides in the middle of the two hemispheres of the brain: with the whole brain activated, we can WAKE BACK UP. To the truth of our life.

The Ajna Centre: the Pituitary Gland

The not-self theme of the ajna centre is pretending to be certain.

If our pituitary gland - the master gland, or the brains control centre - is not functioning optimally, all of our system is going to be out of whack.

We are misusing the logical mind to act as if we are totally certain about things which are a mystery - instead of using the mind as the processing tool it is. 

Intuitive insight and awareness is unable to be accessed, because our mind is being overly logic and not allowing awareness.

The Throat Centre: The Thyroid & Parathyroid

The not-self theme is trying to attract attention. 

The throat centre is the energy centre through which all energetic information in the body is made manifest (gets out, becomes ‘real’). 

We are a society terrified of using our true voice, scared of what everybody will think of what we have to say. Thyroid conditions run rampant around the world, and there are hugely physical reasons for this but there may be a physical association too, with so many people so scared to express themselves, in whatever ways, through the throat centre - uninhibited.

Identity centre: Liver and Blood

The not-self theme is being fixated on finding love and direction. 

This is the energy centre where our Soul is connected to the physical/energetic body. Where the two meet & integrate.

In ancient Greek medicine, the liver was referred to as the seat of the soul.

Is it any wonder that - in a world so filled with toxicity - we are all so separated from our Soulful selves? The depth of existence our Soul craves? Is it by accident that we grow further and further from our truth, our hearts - and our livers become more and more bogged down by the everyday toxicity we face?

Is it any coincidence that a conditioning system (government and beyond) which benefits from our separation from our truth, continues to pollute the air, the water, the earth?

The Heart/Will/Ego Centre: The heart, stomach, gallbladder, thymus

The not self theme of the Will centre is feeling unworthy and undervalued. 

We put so much pressure on ourselves to prove our worth, working so impossibly hard to show we ARE ENOUGH - and it is literally putting so much stress that it is repressing our immune response (the thymus gland is hugeeee in immunity.)

The Spleen Centre: The Immune System

The not self theme is holding on to what is not good for you.

We are a society so untrusting of our intuition, so untrusting of life that we hold onto everything out of fear.

We literally cannot let go of the “known” - even if it is BAD FOR US - because we are scared nothing else will fill that place.

When the opposite is truth.

The immune system spots what is foreign (the ‘not-self’). Just like the spleen - the energetic spleen - spots the not-self in our life.

The Sacral Centre: Ovaries, Testes & Associated Hormones

The not-self theme is not knowing when enough is enough.

When we do not know when to say enough is enough - I need rest - the delicate balance of our sexual hormones gets thrown out of whack.

When we do not know how to connect to our own sexual energy - those hormones get out of balance.

As a result of the toxicity and stress of modern life - our sexual hormones are often out of whack, and this impacts our sex drive, fertility & creative, sexual energy.

The Solar Plexus: Nervous System (big one), kidneys, pancreas, lungs, stomach, prostate gland.

The not self theme of the solar plexus is avoiding confrontation and truth.

The nervous system and it’s healthy, regulated response is VITAL for forming healthy relationships and human connections where we feel able to express our truth and advocate for our needs, and still feel safe.

We are a society that does not know how to deal with confrontation, nor truth - we are a society of un-regulated nervous systems that go into either freeze or fawn mode when triggered instead of having a healthy, well-adapted stress response.

Our nervous system needs healthy human connection to feel safe, we need to know how to self-regulate when triggered (when we feel ourselves move into freeze or fawn mode) to be able to maintain healthy human connections.

The Root Centre: Adrenal Glands

The not-self theme here is always needing to be free of the pressure.

Our fast paced world, our stressful way of life - the pressure that comes from all directions - plus our devaluing of rest, relaxation and pleasure - is a messy cocktail often leading to adrenal issues and addiction to adrenaline.

Want to Dive Way Deeper?

Get the full class, taken from the Human Design Reader Training.

HUMAN DESIGN CLASS: Energy Centres x Holistic Health
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Format: PDF lecture slides and video classes
Total Run Time: 2 Hours 48 Mins

In purchasing this class, you are agreeing that no part of this work is intended to replace professional medical advice.
In this class we are diving deep into some of my own original work and reflections on the connections of the energetic system (represented by the 9 energy centres of human design) and physical health and wellbeing.
Each of the 9 energy centres has an association with the physical body:
Head - Pineal Gland
Ajna - Pituatary Gland
Throat - Thyroid & Parathyroid
Identity Centre - Liver & Blood
Heart - Heart, Blood, Gallbladder, Thymus
Spleen - Immune System
Sacral - Ovaries, Testes & Associated Hormones
Solar Plexus - Nervous System, kidney, pancreas, lungs, stomach, prostate gland.
Root - Adrenal Glands
Explore each of these associations, including a hugeee section on the Nervous System, the Solar Plexus, and using Polyvagal Theory to rewire the nervous system.


Projectors: Express, Don’t Repress: Your Craving for Recognition.


PLAY. January’s Leo Full Moon