PLAY. January’s Leo Full Moon

The following post reflects upon the dynamics between the polarity of Aquarius and Leo. We have an upcoming Leo full moon on Friday the 29th of January at 6.16am AEDT bringing this polarity into clear focus: a cosmic representation between the moon at 9 degrees of Leo (play) and the Sun at 9 degrees of Aquarius (activism).

Every year for the last 4 years I have had a word. Just one singular, vibrational word that my system attunes to throughout the duration of the calendar year -  a word that was mostly employed to assist me in the decision making process.

This was especially useful in the height of my anxiety - as other anxiously inclined humans will know, decision making is nearly impossible when you feel like EVERY DECISION YOU MAKE COULD MAKE OR BREAK THE ENTIRETY OF YOUR LIFE

(even deciding what to eat for lunch at a food court.)

My ex used to say, “baby it isn’t your last meal - it doesn’t matter if you aren’t happy with it.

But it always mattered. Anyway. That is hardly the point.

The point is, the word of the year helps me with decision making. When I have a decision to make during the year, I can tune in to the frequency of the Word and ask (let’s say the word is Deepen, like it was in 2020) - “does this option add or take away from my experience of Deepening?”

Then I would make my decision in accordance to whichever added the most toward my experience of Deepen.

The last few years have been intense. Rough. On all of us. 

We’ve been tested and trained to navigate back to our intuition. And so my words have reflected the intensity of the last four years. And at some point last year I Deepened so much into myself that I don’t really need a decision making word anymore - I truly trusted my body again. I began to work with my guides, and trust them. A gift you could not pay me forty billion dollars to re-forget.

And this year, my Word - a word that just comes through when the time is right but almost always in the week between Christmas and New Years - is PLAY.


Aligning deeper with play takes me further and further from the seriousness of previous years.

From the seriousness of what it means to be a spiritual person. Further and further from the experience of what it means to be, dare I say it, a social-justice aware person.

In my Evolutionary Astrology class next week, we are studying Aspects - including Squares. Creating the coursework for it made me remember the Square that Saturn makes to my Natal Sun - pretty far apart (they have 7 degrees of separation) but also, very much there. In my practice I read a square (especially to the sun, moon or nodes) as a part of us we’ve rejected and find hard to integrate, yet it is very much there.

And so, even though I will deny that aspect of my personality - I have DONE Saturn. I’ve known seriousness. I’ve known “okay here’s the problem and here’s what we have to do!” 

Surrendering away from the seriousness and intensity into PLAY doesn’t make me any less aware that change is required.

But this year, I am choosing to surrender away from the seriousness. 

This year there is a strong emphasis on Aquarian themes (as I am sure you will have heard) with the Great Conjunction of last December leading to Saturn and Jupiter hanging out in Aquarius, along with various other playmates, this year.

But just as with anything in life, we cannot have a single-sided coin. Aquarius must have its counterpart, it’s other half, its polarity:

Aquarius MUST have Leo if it is to be healthy.

Aquarius themes of social justice, activism, universal oneness, all that intensity and seriousness and Saturnian energy.

It needs fun, play, creativity, joy, radiance, sparkle. It needs Leo. We need Leo involved in all this stuff, to make sure we don’t take it too seriously. When things are taken too seriously they turn grey and mucky and become “work”. Spirituality somehow turned into work. The Great Goddesses of old are probably yelling frustratedly at all of us, as we seriously connect to the Sacred. As we connect with a grimace of concentration and thoughts of “am I doing it right? Is this how I show devotion?”

We show devotion in our surrender to the sweetness of life, we show devotion with a smile.

You can show devotion as you bake cookies, as you sneak and eat another cookie, as you brew tea. Show devotion as you dance to (gasp) non-spiritual music. Show devotion as you read pre-teen romance books instead of spiritual texts or social justice blogs. Show devotion as you binge watch Friends for the 12th time instead of going to Yoga. Show devotion as you laugh on the phone, chatting about what happened on the Bachelorette last night.

If it adds to your sense of Play and Heart and Aliveness, it adds to the Collective Wellbeing.

Healthy people who are devoted to Play don’t leave nearly as many waves of trauma behind them as to people who are grey, cold, seriousness and turned stale by the devastation of the world.

These days it is controversial to enjoy your life. How can we enjoy our lives, when so many struggle? When so many cannot eat? When so many are oppressed?

I decide to live the greatest controversy this year, in 2021: as the Saturnian structures continue to crumble around me and the world as we have known it falls to shreds (thank god) - as Uranus squares Pluto multiple times through the year - I will continue to dance in my revelry of Play.


Human Design Energy Centres: Biological Associations


And Now, In Aquarius, Saturn Returns.