Magical Crossroads and Full Body Decision Making.

Crossroads in pagan magic are places of pure potential: where multiple paths cross, there are multiple energetic potentials meeting. They are imbued with extra magic for this reason - any decision making, like that to take one path and leave all others behind without a glance - comes with a force of magical energy. 

There is also considered to be potential danger in these places - liminal spaces always come with a potential to lose your grip in this world and find yourself crossing over into fairy realms or “otherworlds”. But here in this email, I am speaking not about literal crossroads, but decision making moments in your life where multiple potential paths lay before you: and you have to only choose one.

Deconditioning will inevitably lead you to crossroads.

Eventually, through the process of shedding what doesn’t belong to you - you find yourself at a juncture of two or more paths forward. Not only are you faced with this decision that your mind is going to start trying to analyze for a guaranteed good result: you will likely also have the nervous system begging to slow the pace of change and remain at the juncture for as long as possible without choosing any route.

Of course you know objectively that life is always in motion and the desire to stay in the precise place you are in can never be fulfilled (even if you change absolutely nothing, life continues and you are forced into mutation and atom rearrangement via the environment) - but it will not stop the natural human survival instinct to cling to what is known and what has gotten us this far without making a change.

You want the Universe to guide your way, or maybe - knowing Human Design and knowing that deep, true, honest decisions come from within only - you want your body’s inherent guidance to point you toward your True North. The one path that is way better than all others, where struggle no longer exists and only ease and every manifestation you have possibly dreamed about is heaped upon you like blessings upon blessings upon blessings.

But even as you tell yourself you have “officially made a decision”, you leave one piece of you at the juncture just in case. You leave a part of you to head off on another path. You don’t take your full body with you toward the decision your mind tells you that you made - and you wonder why the Universe does not rearrange atoms to make everything easy for you. Why? Because you are not fully on board. The Universe doesn’t know what you want, with your body split into all the different paths upon your possible timelines.

For timeline shifts to happen, as much of your full body that you can possibly point toward your intended path must be pointing in that direction. 

And this is where the magic of full body decision making comes in.

Commitment is a natural human fear, because we are afraid of being embarrassed or seen to “fail” if things don’t work out on something people know we deeply care about. I despise the “cool girl” trope more than any other conditioning force of the 1990s/early 2000s: the imagery of the easy breezy woman invested in nothing, too cool to be hurt, too cool to commit to something/someone/herself with her whole heart. Smoking a cigarette and judging the crazy emotional women who feel deeply, telling them life will be much easier if they just learn to NOT CARE.

But if you don’t let yourself care, you cannot make these full body decisions.

Full body decisions require a level of commitment and HEART that is by its very nature uncomfortable because it comes with the potential for being way more deeply hurt than you would have been if you kept pretending to be only half-invested in what you desire. This is also why so many of us chase desires we think we should want, rather than what is deeply, truly, actually meant for us.

Desires that come from the mind are only annoying to the ego if not received. 

But heart-desires we do not receive: these penetrate our cores and send an ache deep down in our bones. IT HURTS.

Organic, easeful, “the universe is lining up things to help me over every hurdle,” manifestations require that kind of commitment. Full stop.

You don’t have to know HOW or WHEN what you desire will be yours. But you have to admit to yourself that this is what you deeply, truly want. For real, no other option. And as decision making junctions come up through the process of making it real (manifesting it means to make it real): take your whole body & being with you, when you make those decisions. So that the things and people and situations and synchronicities waiting to help you along the path can find your whole Being, rather than finding a half-commited one-leg-in-one-leg-out situation.
As Within, So Without Organic Manifestation mentorships spaces are open for application now: if you are desiring to regain touch with your true desires, your true caring, and to find yourself confident at any crossroads, infinitely trusting the wisdom of your body’s intuitive guidance, read more and apply here.


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