bringing astrology into 2023 & beyond
One of the things I love about astrology the most is its roots in ancient history.
That spread throughout time, people have watched and understood the celestial movements as indicators of what is coming & why it is happening. I love that this practice has been a commonstay amongst humans (except of course at various points in time when it was suddenly declared demonic work and vilified and removed and shunned and ridiculed, and we lost a bunch of the teachings - of course) for millennia.
I adore that the practice of astrology has been honed by thousands of years of careful observation and record keeping. That Saturn’s correlations today are embedded with the collective memory of what we’ve noted Saturn ‘brings’ throughout human history.
And I love that at some point (especially over the last 100-150 years) much of astrology practice moved from the outside “will I be lucky in love?” to the inside “what do I need to know about myself, so that I can be the most healed partner for my lover as possible?”
I feel this is because during this same time period, humanity became increasingly conscious of our power to change what was once declared “fate” or “destiny”, using Universal Laws like the Law of Attraction. Rather than considering astrology in terms of what it can tell us about our predetermined future, more and more people are turning to astrology to get to know THEMSELVES on the deepest level possible - so that in the infinite smorgasbord of choices that those of us in comparably privileged, blessed positions face - we can choose the path, the destiny, the future most authentic to us.
And now, we are collectively changing in our consciousness once again. We are moving away from the “hustle hard work be a self-made-man” story of manifestation, to a space where we become the most healed, authentic, clear version of ourselves and let life organically lead us to a life made for us. There is less and less emphasis being put on the ‘positive mindset’ world, and more and more on the dark feminine, the integration of the shadow, the journeys into the Dark. The past 3-4 years have accelerated the process with many people facing extended periods of time alone, facing uncertainty to an extent that we were forced to go inwards and explore our own discomfort with instability/lack of routine/uncertainty.
The ideal life is moving away from being viewed as these “perfect lifestyles” toward uncovering & living the most authentic, ideal life unique for YOU.
In short, we live in a different world than we did 4 years ago. My god - we live in a different world than we did 2 years ago. And while astrology has its roots spread throughout the entirety of human history - any healing practice is only as useful as its capacity to help with the challenges humanity is facing in the exact present moment. It is only as useful as the way it guides & supports the human in front of the astrologer (whether professional or an I-just-read-charts-for-fun astrologer.)
Evolutionary Astrology has always (at least in the way I was trained and practice) made space for the many potential challenges holding back the human. It is a practice with the perspective that all of the chart is karma, and all of the chart is also pure potential. By that I mean - everything in your natal chart is a clue to why you are the way you are, why you face the challenges you do, and why no matter what you try - you seem pre-programmed to keep repeating the same loops over and over. It can show where and why you hold yourself back and it has the perspective that we are more than just robotic bodies making our way through earth void of any purpose: instead, every human came here with karmic contracts to explore & experience and ideally, work our way through (in whatever way the exact situation calls for). And then in terms of the pure potential - everything in your chart also shows a place you can release karma and liberate crazy amounts of personal power.
I am also a deep believer in the healing potential of astrology. I am a believer that anyone practicing astrology for another person is automatically in a role of great responsibility, because usually the person receiving the reading trusts the astrologer deeply. What you say is taken seriously, even if you think that you are just doing it for laughs and for fun (I know this because a lot of my clients have had “just for fun” readings from their witchy friend in the past before getting a professional reading, and had fully believed and internalised off-handed comments that the friend had made about what a Gemini 7th house might mean for their love life, for example.)
Any astrology that is used in human practice in 2023 needs to not just consider the chart and what it shows - but the environment, the background, the conditioning, the trauma (including merely the trauma of being forced to be someone other than your authentic self), the beliefs, the early life, the teenage years, the inner child, the past/simultaneous lives, so on and so forth - of the client. Astrology without psychology may lead to self-awareness but it will rarely lead to transformation.
So when I am talking about updating the Evolutionary Astrology Reader Training for 2023 and beyond, I am talking about incorporating all the facets that make up my astrology practice today into the foundation of EA. Bringing an awareness of the multidimensional nature of time, reprogramming the nervous system, quantum healing, human design, ancestral & birth & early life conditioning, and whatever else we end up exploring - into natal chart analysis.