The Two Hour Workday as a Projector Creative
Projector (& non-sacral) Creative Work Flow Tips Incoming:
Don’t Get Stuck on the Two Hour Thing.
It's no secret I don't love generalized HD information.
Part of the fun of any Human Design experiment is playing around to find what works for you.
If I stuck to the two hours work per day guideline for Projectors like it was a dictate, I would actually be going AGAINST my unique system. My own authentic creative flow would be stifled.
It's a good place to start when you are deconditioning your Sacral center. It is a great guidepost that gives you permission to admit to yourself - eugh. I cannot sustainably work like a regular Joe.
But once you have that awareness - the next task (fun task!) is learning to listen to your body and your creative muse, to find the work/rest/play/vegetate flow that works for you.
(andddd to give that permission to change week to week, month to month, year to year).
Now some people will say to me - if i just worked when I wanted to, on what I wanted to work on - nothing would get finished!
Yeah. Same. There is a level of discipline that comes with running a creative business, of any type. You gotta answer to yourself, your muse, AND people waiting on your work. And it is that discipline that gets left out of a little bit of feminine flow type business advice.
BUT!!!! Here is the thing that I have noticed about that discipline, only via making mistakes.
If/when I am being SUPER honest with myself about the way I want to allocate my time/energy/resources at that point in time (ie when I stop saying yes to social occasions just because I feel like I should and instead devote that energy to where it is calling me; or when I feel like resting and not working, I do that) then I don’t need to depend on my inner discipline as much. When I am being really honest with myself about how my energy wants to be allocated, then the energy and inspiration that I need is there to fulfill my responsibilities as a creative business owner.
(However — do I always do this flawlessly? Absolutely not. There are times I ignore my inner pulls to keep myself energetically resourced, and I do need to rely on my inner discipine to meet my deadlines.)
So. What if you viewed your energy - the greatest (and only) resource that is yours from birth, forever - as your most valuable resource?
How would you prioritize your time, energy, creativity and expression?
AND. What if you viewed your work - the output of your energy - as just how valuable it is? (There is a classic Projector habit to undervalue your energy - I discuss this in Signature of Success.)
Because if I only considered the deconditioning of my Sacral to be shifting from working 8 hours to working 2 hours per day, I'd be missing a lot of the point. I still wouldn't be focused on allocating my limited energy (as a non-sacral being) in places and spaces where my unique system feels drawn that day. If I forced myself to sit and work for 2 hours when it's not on, I'd be living just as conditioned as before. Also, I'd be like okay - whatttt do I do with the rest of the day? And, if I didn't let myself keep going when I reach the 2 hour mark but the juice was flowing - I'd still be guilty of ignoring my authentic workflow.
So instead of getting caught up on a set number of hours you are "meant" to work/output per day as a Projector: put that energy into finding what feels good. Don't miss the point of HD (which is deconditioning) by trying to get it "right". You knowwww 8 hours, 5 days a week doesn't feel good (or sustainable). But the gap between that and 2 hours a day feels so farrrr! Okay. So instead of being like "aww man I'm so not-self" be like:
“How can I, this week/ this month - take tiny steps to listen to the cues of my body, follow the cues of my body, really notice when (and which) work starts to feel eughhhh…and notice when/which work does feel good?”
And I know it's so annoying, especially if you still work full time and you're proper exhausted and god you just want to follow your bliss. But the path to bliss following starts by KNOWING AND HEARING YOUR BODY when it's in bliss, and when it's not!
Bonus information: one question I get a LOT from non-sacral clients is:
I work full time, AND I want to give my energy to my creative outlet/creating my business - BUT I DON'T HAVE ANY ENERGY LEFT AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY.
Yeah. I feel you. For me it's socializing: when I'm in periods of my life when I am "people-ing" too much, all I can do is come home and flop. There's no creative energy left - it was used for making conversation all day.
One part of the advice I give is (I'll keep the rest for my clients) - how can you extract just a fraction of your energy back, to have enough to allocate to even one evening per week dedicated to your craft, your business, your creative genius? Maybe you can socialize less at work (I mean before I did this work full time, I worked in hospitality so this wasn't really possible for me. But if office small talk drains your vibes, hang in your car! Go for a walk! You don't owe anyone your small talk.)
Or emotionally disconnect from work - like "my body is here, I am doing what I'm paid to do - but that's all." (Obviously if you work in caring professions, not possible.) Or take stuff off of your plate outside of work. Or wake up an hour earlier and give your creative output space to shine before you start work!
Yes - the gap between working full time and thriving in your creative business feels big. But that classic advice of - start as you intend to go on - is true here. Plan to be thriving; wealthy and infinitely creative? Plan to understand your energy ebbs and flows, and not force your muse to show up when she won't? Then start that way.