My Adventures in Organic Manifestation.

Defining Organic Manifestation: the natural unfolding of the life you truly, intimately, deeply desire without needing to make manifestation something that you “work” at. There is no trying in organic manifestation.

I am sitting in the departures lounge of Melbourne International Airport, an oat milk hot chocolate to make me look natural as I engage in my favourite activity: watching people go on holiday (while I stand at the precipice of my own next grand adventure, as well). Over the last two weeks I have gotten rid of almost everything I own that doesn’t fit in my little carry on backpack.

When I was 23, I decided I wanted to travel forever. The idea of a two week trip once a year didn’t satiate my inner hunger, and back then - before remote work became much more the norm - the only way to achieve this was essentially to create an online business.

At the time (23) I was in a suffocating relationship with a man who didn’t like travel (I had to drag him to Sydney) and I worked for minimum wage in a Pancake resteraunt, rebelling against the adults around me who told me to surrender my stubborn pursuit of purpose in favour of putting my accounting degree to use and “settling down”.

My life has been a series of ups and downs and devastating bitterness since then. A series of false starts in realising this dream: my dream to travel indefinetly.

I had my heart broken, I’ve broken my own heart, I’ve been isolated, I had a nervous breakdown (two) - I started a business, and like anyone who has done so knows - it is not for the faint of heart - and I never once gave up on my insistent pursuit for purpose over settling down.

My Life’s Work gene key is 28: the siddhi of immortality. It is only in recent months that I came to realise immortality does not define as the length of your life (I used to plan to live to be 120) but how you immortalise your life force in the way you express the creative pursuit of LIVING.

Eventually, at some point after age 27 or so - I decided that it was probably about time that I should desire to settle down, meet someone, show off my fancy life of stability. I should have listened the first few times this just didn’t work out for me - for someone who teaches and preaches choosing personal alignment over “shoulds”, I sure was blind to my own conditioning.

I should have listened to the way that I was happiest and healthiest and glowing when travelling, the way that I had an existential crisis basically daily when I am at home - but never once when on the road.

It took me until October 2nd (yup - 17 days ago) and my dear friend Chloe spitting truth at me for me to realise just how unhappy I am trying to make a “home” in one place.

“Obviously I love having you home, and I want you here - but clearly you are miserable. Why are you living here? It makes no sense to me”.

She was not the first person to say this, but she was the first person I actually LISTENED to with my whole body.

I went to bed that night, my head in a million places. A million excuses. But my cat! My apartment! My fridge, my couches, my car - all my ties I’d created to one place.

I woke up the next morning feeling as if I was being suffocated by all those possessions tying me to this once place. I HAD TO GET OUT.

And this is where organic manifestation magic begins.

I put my apartment and some belongings on marketplace. Within two hours I’d magically found a couple that wanted to move in asap and buy all my furniture. Within 8 days they were approved my the landlord and the lease transfer was completed. Within 13 days I moved out, and they moved in.

That same day, I spoke to my youngest sister about having Giselle (my cat) for a few months over the summer, and I would try and find her a new forever home early next year. But within a couple of hours, she and her housemate (who have looked after little Giselley almost every other time I’ve travelled over the last couple years) were filling out the forms to fully adopt this beautiful little creature. To get to keep her in the family, and for her to go to house she already knows she is the queen of - it was beyond what I could imagine.

For the 17 days between making the decision and flying out, today, with nothing but my backpack - every little thing just fell into place.

There were times when I thought “maybe I should do some old, kinda more classic methods of manifesting this going smoothly.” Maybe I should sit down and write affirmations that everything is working out, or decide what I wanted the people taking over my apartment to be like.

But I decided this was the chance for me to be the walking embodiment of my work in Organic Manifestation - being the most authentic version of you and doing the little or big things that solidify your alignment with who you truly are - and watching your outer world natually come to reflect your inner truth.

Again, there is no “trying” in this method of manifestation (aka: making energy real).

And so 7 years after that dream first took hold - when I knew I would one day, make indefinite travel my norm - that dream is a reality. And it is in the perfect time. I am obsessed with my friends, my clients, my students. Oh my goodness. Everything I’ve built (thought not the most conventional life) over the last 10 years of my 20s has made me the woman I am. Is it perfect? Absolutely not. But its aligned.

I am hosting a beautiful beta round of my As Within, So Without organic manifestation program this November, December and January as I begin my life of indefinite travel.

If you are ready to trust your body and intuition and inner wisdom and inner world beyond your conditioning, to uncover and follow your deepest (true) desires, and to remove any barriers between you are a natural, sweet, spicy, organic, authentic life unfolding before you: apply here.


Magical Crossroads and Full Body Decision Making.


Operating Your Life Force as a Projector.🔧