Work is Supposed to feel like an exhale.🌼
We have been so delightfully conditioned,
have we not?
To believe that “work” is supposed to be difficult
That money is something we struggle for
That effort is required to make a pretty penny and get by in this world.
Human Design teaches us that work is simply an extension of our being. We are to be reimbursed simply for our natural energetic signature:
Projectors are not here to work, and yet our signature is Success.
Sacral beings are to be paid handsomely for following their joy.
Manifestors move mountains and millions by simply opening their mouths.
A Reflector’s wisdom is priceless and feels natural to share.
In November of last year I made a commitment to myself that I would never ever again, do any work that did not feel as natural and easeful as Breathing.
As a Projector, my work is literally my Being. I live my life and talk about the things I would talk about anyway, and get paid to do that.
But that is me. This may be different for everyone. And so I ask you, to ask yourself-
What would it look like/feel like to you,
If you got paid to do the things that come most naturally to you?
If your work felt like an exhale?
When you feel yourself struggling and planning and working rather than being your Work - how can you let that task be an exhale instead?
This is not about delegation, though I know that's a part of it.
I do all the admin of my business
And I do all my marketing
Right now, it may change -
But all of it feels like an exhale.
Because I am not forcing or trying to make it look/sound like anyone else
I tap into my infinite creative Well, for every piece of marketing.
I don’t follow rules, sometimes I use them as Guidelines
But I let it be fun, I let it be romantic
And when I show up to calls, I know it is the most beneficial for everyone when I am natural
Trusting & allowing the ease of my natural Genius to come forth;
Not the repetition of what I have heard other people saying because I don’t want to rock any boats.
I trust my Inner Well.