🌻To Bring Through Your BIGNESS, You May Have To Break Some Human Design Rules.🌻

One thing I see again, and again, and again: is people so scared of “messing up” their Human Design that they sit frozen to the spot.

Scared there wasn’t an Invite, scared that wasn’t really a Respose, scared that making what their Soul is begging them to make & create & contribute to the world is Initiating when they aren’t supposed to. Or, using their Strategy and Authority as an easy “out” for not taking risks in life and in Creativity and in putting themselves out there.

For one, this is why working with a great HD reader/mentor (one who is sharing Experimentation, not Perfection) is super helpful - I know running off skerigs of information gathered from podcasts & Instagram can leave you feeling more confused about how to use HD to actually change your life than before you heard of it.

But secondly;

Of course it’s so easy to say it feels out of alignment! or I haven’t been invited! or my sacral is doing flips in my tummy and I feel sick!!!!!!!!!! when faced with doing something you’ve never done before. Or sharing your heart and your Creations and offerings and services in a way you haven’t before.

It is a very convenient excuse to stay still.

One of my main principles of HD that I teach my students and clients is that the Life Force within (your unique energy) is seeking Expression. NOT to be held prisoner inside you until you are 100% certain what a Response feels like in your body.

AND; it is letting energy be expressed that actually clears the Blocks within allllll the energy centres,


In other words, you kind of have to get your energy moving before you can know how your energy wants to be moved.

And there is no bypassing the Throat.

The Throat Centre is the centre through which the energy inside of us is made “manifest” in the real world. It is the Portal through which we clear blocks inside our other energy centres. And, it is the energy centre through which we Create that which only we can.

This is all Creativity is: taking the unique life force energy inside of your energetic body, and making it “real”. Making it manifest. Making it into something tangible in the external. Whether that is through speech, dance, painting, writing, whatever. This is what happens through the Throat Centre.

Your Creative energy wants to be let out, and yes you might make mistakes!!!!!! And you might do things that actually do end up feeling out of alignment!!!! And you might be like damn Heather she made me do this and I am uncomfortable!!!!!!!

But isn’t all that better than staying still until you reach this idealised idea of “100% total perfection clarity yes knowing everything will work out without even trying?”

One thing you will come to realise, when you begin actually moving your Energy out of your system again (allowing it Creative Expression via the Throat Centre) is that the guidelines of Human Design apply to every unique person in unique ways. Because we are all completely unique energetic Beings.

That is the purpose of the Experiment - find what it feels like for YOUUUU.

If you enjoy this piece, join the waitlist for In Full Bloom: 4 weeks to radiant and easeful creativity.


Operating Your Life Force as a Projector.🔧


🌼Your uniqueness is your most prosperous Resource. đźŚĽ