The Reflector of Human Design Deep Dive

reflector human design

Welcome to Your Deep Dive into Being a Manifestor in Human Design!

My name is Heather, and I will be your host: a 3/5 Splenic Projector who has been in my experiment for about 5? 6 years? I lost track - and have been doing the Human Design field work of working with others on their experiments for about 4 years.


Ah, the rarest of them all: the reflector. I could fill pages and pages on the reflector, but I will try and keep it brief. The reflector makes up around 1% of the population. They have no defined energy centres: every single centre is undefined.

Reflector Aura: The reflector aura is sampling and resistant. Because the reflector has no consistent definition, they are truly here to sample from the smorgasbord of energy that is available to them in the world. Their open centres take in energy from the outside world and play with it, seeing what they like, what they don't like, what feels new and exciting to them and what doesn’t. 

This doesn’t mean they are super sensitive to taking on conditioning though: the reflector aura has the inbuilt defense mechanism of being resistant. Meaning, there is an automatic resistance between the reflector aura and whoever they are currently sampling from. They are not BECOMING the person they are with: they are trying on bits & pieces of everyone and everything they meet, getting a feel for the state of humanity.

That is the ultimate role of the Reflector: to be a reflection of where we are at as a community/collective.

Because the reflector is a reflection of their surroundings as well as the cosmic weather, they really need to prioritise their environment. Be in a place that makes them feel good. I cannot stress this enough. Your environment is super important as a reflector.

Also, you have a deep connection to the Moon & Lunar transits. Reflectors are actually designed to wait an entire lunar cycle (29 days) before making a big decision - as this is how long it takes you to reach clarity. Kinda sucks in our world that demands we make a decision NOW! Or miss out forever.. But it is also super empowering when you start to play with this and learn to tell people:

“I understand you want an answer straight away, but I am going to sit with it and get back to you in a month or so.”

More on the Lunar Rhythm

The lunar cycle is their authority and strategy. The lunar cycle is their light guide and their daily flow. While all the other types are solar beings, reflectors are lunar beings and tend to have an imminent glow rather than an evanescent shine that the other types do when radiating their Vitality and true health.

As humans we have our daily rhythms (the sun) as well as our monthly rhythms (the moon).The moon pulls the tides of our body (our inner fluids) just as it pulls the tides of our oceans. As within, so without. For reflectors, this connection is doubled: the cycle of the moon is the information gathering cycle that they live by when making decisions. Getting to know how they feel, what they feel like doing and who they feel like being as the moon waxes and wanes and moves through each of the Zodiacal signs/64 Gates through the 28.5 day moon cycle can give a reflector a lot of information as to the state of their health and where it needs more balance. Keeping a lunar journal could provide reflectors with so much information and even just deepen their connection to the Source of their vitality.

To keep a lunar journal, you get to decide how detailed you would like it to be. You might start with just the new moon, half moons and full moon. How do you feel on these days? What are you being drawn toward these days? What zodiac sign and/or what human design gate is the moon in on these days? Do you have extra vivid dreams on these days? Who do you feel drawn to speak to on these days?

Or, you can go all out for this Lunar Journal. Every day, note the astrological sign the moon is in (this information can easily be found online) and the phase of the moon (waxing, waning, half, crescent, full, new, gibbous, etc). Add any observations you make about how you feel, what you are experiencing, your health, your body, your dreams, anything you like. Then, every month you have a map of your soul to reflect on and remember all the information you have gathered. This may be useful in the decision making process, too, especially when first playing around with Lunar Authority: see it as a field study, observing and experiencing life and your process for an entire lunar cycle. Experiencing life from each angle the moon makes to your own natal chart and through each astrological sign it moves through. Taking field notes as you let your answer reveal itself to you.

What you can also use this connection to the moon for is timing yourself with the moon. For reflectors it might feel really good, healthy and empowering to take the wisdom gathering in your Lunar Journal and use it to inform your scheduling for the month. Either do this intuitively or using astrological wisdom, ie taking meetings or anything that requires smooth communication on Moon in Gemini days, taking rest on Moon in Pisces days or around the new moon, and so on.

Our standardised society wants a decision NOW. Do it NOW or you will miss out- that is the conditioning. But you empower yourself so much when you reclaim that sacred connection you and the moon have through giving yourself the Lunar Cycle to assist in your decision making process.

Reflectors and Environmental Sensitivity

Reflectors may be extra sensitive to toxins in the environment, because their body is so apt to sniff out what is going wrong in the place they are in and what is not good for the community. Or, they may not. We cannot make any assumptions about reflectors because even though they are very sensitive beings, their aura also has the quality of being resistant. This is key. Because the reflector is designed to take on the qualities and energy of the person, place or thing that they are currently reflecting, their aura has the inbuilt capacity to also keep an arms length between their physical body and what is coming in. So unlike the projector whose aura is penetrating and goes inside the other person, the other person will be reflected in the reflector but does not fully penetrate them. Think of yourself as a mirror: a reflection is not a full, embodied version of the person standing in front of it but merely a temporary reflection. That is the reflector’s energetic resistance and so they can empower themselves around this knowledge.

When the reflector feels totally at the mercy of everything around them, that is when their health can tend to suffer. When the reflector can bring awareness and fluidity to themselves the resistant quality of their aura is better able to keep some sort of a barrier between their body and the environment/people they reflect. Every day, give yourself time in your own energy. The importance of this cannot be understated. Yes, spend time out in the world with different types of people to collect information and give yourself that surprise you crave, and then come home to yourself to sort through the information. Find what works for you but you may release the energies experienced that day with a shower, a walk, a nap, cooking a nourishing meal by yourself: whichever ways you like to be alone.

It is easy as a reflector to take on the responsibility of healing and fixing everybody. You are a sensitive being, and feel other people’s joy, sadness and discomfort as if they are your own. That is because at times they are. But they also are not. What others are going through is not truly yours to fix. You are simply here to bring awareness to it for them so let your body and feelings be fluid, let yourself be fluid. Let who you are and what you feel change wherever it wants to. Don’t feel like you have this great responsibility to fix what was never yours to start with.

It is also said that the health of the reflector is a reflection of the health of the community they are in. If you find yourself regularly not feeling alive and vibrant and surprised and excited by life, it is a key indicator that something or someone that you exchange energy with externally is unwell. But again, you don’t have to hang around and fix them. You can choose where to place yourself. What is healthy and right for one reflector may not be for another, and it is not your responsibility to stay where the illness is until it is all better.


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The Manifestor of Human Design Deep Dive