The Manifestor of Human Design Deep Dive

human design manifestor

Welcome to Your Deep Dive into Being a Manifestor in Human Design!

My name is Heather, and I will be your host: a 3/5 Splenic Projector who has been in my experiment for about 5? 6 years? I lost track - and have been doing the Human Design field work of working with others on their experiments for about 4 years.


Manifestor. The manifestor makes up approximately 9% of the population. They are anyone who has an undefined Sacral Centre, but they have a motor centre connected to the Throat centre. 

The motor centres are the sacral, solar plexus, heart and root centre. These are the centres where creative energy is stored. 

The Throat is the energy centre where things Manifest. And so, the Manifestor is called a Manifestor because they have the capacity to really easily bring the creative energy of the body out into the physical world through the Throat.

Manifestor Aura:

The manifestor aura is Closed & Repelling. The manifestor is not for everyone: they have a big, full-on energy (especially once they can break away from conditioned people-pleasing patterns - whole other story) and that energy is here to deeply, deeply touch some people. But because they don’t have the consistent, sustained life force energy of the Sacral Centre switched on; they need to not waste time with people they are not for. 

Hence, their aura literally pushes people away when they are not for them. It is an energy protection mechanism.

Closed & Repelling?

A manifestor’s aura is closed and repelling. Though those words sound kind of unappealing, closed and repelling is exactly what your aura needs to be. This is why. 

As a manifestor you are here to make an impact. On people, on life, on anything. But you are not here to impact everybody. You are not for everybody. The people that you are for; you will shake them up so that their life will never be the same. And you don’t even need to consciously intend to impact people for that to happen. Simply by following your own urges, you initiate the people that are near your aura (either in proximity or energetically).

Your aura has to be closed and repelling so that you do not waste your energy (with an undefined Sacral centre you still have to be extremely picky about where you expend energy) on the people that are not for you. Your energy is so big and powerful that when you walk into a room, people feel it. People feel your presence. You may have noticed this and purposefully tried to make yourself smaller. But even if you are a quiet, docile girl in the corner people are still going to feel your presence. 

As I mentioned, to impact people you don’t actually have to do anything consciously. It simply happens by being and allowing your energy to touch those who are on board with it. These people who are yes’s to your energy will find that the aura opens up and they can come inside, under the closed energy that keeps out those not for you. Like a bird coming in under the wing to its mother’s warmth.

Strategy: Inform & Initiate.

The Manifestor is the only energy type that is made to Initiate things. That is - they get an idea, they go do it. The rest of us are made to be much more receptive to life. The only caveat to this is that as a Manifestor - in order to allow people in your life inside your field - get in the habit of Informing people in your life before you initiate something. Whether you are going into the next room for a cup of tea (“I’m going to the kitchen to get tea”) or starting salsa lessons (“I’m going to start salsa lessons”); you informing people of your plan is what opens up your aura and lets your people into your world.

Manifestor Not-Self: Anger

The manifestor’s not-self theme is anger. But little girls are taught from birth to be good, to not throw tantrums, to repress and bottle up all of those ‘un-ladylike’ emotions. Boys are allowed to punch things, but we have to sit still and well behaved with our legs crossed. If we are quiet we are a ‘good girl’, if we cry and throw things in anger we are a ‘bad girl’. Of course this is not perfectly reflective of everybody’s experience of growing up but it is for a lot of us. As a manifestor you can already fall into the trap of trying to please people and so any conditioning that says what people like in little girls and what people don’t like in little girls is going to be taken on doubly.

A massive step in healing, moving toward health and re-awakening the Vitality inside your energetic body may involve releasing a lot of pent up anger. Use your authority when deciding what ways to do this- do you feel called to break dancing? Breaking things? Screaming in the car with the windows up? Punching pillows? Boxing? Dancing wildly to the angry screaming music of your youth?

The people who you are truly for are not going to like you any more for keeping the wild anger inside bottled up (if they do they weren’t for you). You are only hurting yourself by stuffing it down.

Manifestor Signature: Peace

On the other hand, the Signature (the emotion/sensation that signals to you that you are aligned with your Design) is Peace. At the end of the day, the Manifestor just wants to be left alone to work on their projects and live their lives in Peace. The path to Peace is informing and being comfortable with being yourself, not matter what that means.

The Non-Sacral Thing

As a non-sacral being along with projectors and reflectors, your Vitality and life force energy is less consistent than your Generator counterparts. But you may already know this: you might have already realized that your energy works best in fits and starts, working away for 10 hours a day one day and then not touching work for a week. Or whatever it is that works for you. What you need to give yourself is rest and time to release the Sacral energy you may have absorbed through the day. This might be through deep exhales, meditation, dancing and singing, getting a massage, walking around outside. Find what you feel drawn to, don’t listen to me- you know what your body needs to feel supported and truly rested.

As a non-sacral type you can, just as easily as a projector or reflector, be left feeling buzzed at the end of the day and unable to settle down or ground your energy. This is why calm-down time in between work mode and rest mode is vital. If you try and go straight from work mode to Netflix mode you will probably spend the entire episode checking your phone, replying to emails, always ‘just doing one more thing’. But if you break that up with turning off your phone, turning on some music and dancing while you cook dinner your body can know it is free time. Time to rest. Learn your body’s rhythms and listen to those, don’t listen to me. I cannot emphasize that enough but do start to realize when you are pushing through when you know you need to be resting.

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The Reflector of Human Design Deep Dive


The Saturn in Aquarius Generation.