You (Expanded Version)

[currently closed]


a four week intensive group program for women that have realised their only rival standing between them and their desired, full, expansive Life…
is their own conditioned nervous system.

Who is
You. (Expanded Version)?

she looks just like you.
the real you.
the one you know is in there, infinitely powerful.
the one who makes empowered decisions and has a strong nervous system.
she looks just like you but - just…well…


Expansion def.: in any or all areas of your life, moving outside of a previously safe and easy comfort zone into a bigger, more integrated version of your self expression.

ie: no matter which area of life you’d like to expand in (career, business, creativity, health, family, relationship, self love, spiritual gifts, or all of the above) - this is the space for you.

This is a place to break through the shackles of the conditioned nervous system and fully embody your desired Self.

Who is You. (Expanded Version) for?

here are some signs you are ready for nervous system integration:

you've done a ton of healing work, you know your fears, you know your blocks - but can't move past them for more than a few days at a time

you can occasionally get yourself out of your comfort zone but it completely burns you out and you need time to recover (rather than being ready to continue the expansion process!)

you're good at tending to your inner child's tantrums but are scared to tell her to clean up her own messes/get to work

⚈ you collapse and get bitter/ frustrated at the slightest hint of "things not going as expected"

⚈ you have a fight, flight or freeze response when it comes to doing even the tiniest thing that would help with your expansion (like sending an email, or asking for help from your partner, or even OPENING an email from a prospective client)

⚈ if you got really, really honest with yourself: your biggest fear is how powerful & successful you'd be if you could just let yourself.

the flow of this program is designed to remedy all these issues.

I am determined for this to be the space that works for those people who've tried everything.

So we do an intensive month together. Weekly group calls/healings. Homework (not too much, and that which you can fit into your everyday life as you know I'm all about organic deconditioning/manifestation/expansion).
You'll have Voxer access to me for the month following the completion of the calls, as well. AND! AND. this is what is missing from so many reprogramming programs: a follow up call a month after we finish.

A lot of times people are great at holding their expanded frequency while in the container, but let it slip as soon as it is over.

Not here. One month after the final call we will have a group “check in” to ensture you have not gone back to your standard settings - which your nervous will tend to do - and break through any new limits that have come up.

and most importantly, here is who You (Expanded Version) is NOT for.

as a 3/5 in Human Design; I have to be specific about who I cannot help in each space I create. I want you to be ready for this program, so read carefully, listen to your intuition, and/or schedule a free & no pressure interest call below if you are unsure whether you are ready for this space so that I can tell you in absolute honesty if I feel you are ready.

This is an EXPANSION program, not a healing program.

If you know you still need a lot of healing, and the thought of me telling you to stop making excuses and get on with what you desire to do feels painful - this is not the place for you. Heal your inner child then come back.

But if the thought of being told to put your ego aside and grow, even when you would rather stay exactly where you are feels a little scary but also a little exciting - this is the space for you.

Got questions not answered here? Want to make sure this is a perfect fit for what you need help with?

Book a free 10-15min interest call. Absolutely zero pressure - I want to be sure this is a perfect fit for you to recieve what you’d like to out of the program, too.

How does the Nervous System fight against your expansion?

Your brain, your body, & almost the entirety of the nervous system:
it has one task. and that is to keep you alive.
It likes reliable, traceable, predictable outcomes - because those, it can navigate. even if they make you miserable, they are predictable outcomes and have kept you alive thus far in life.
Your whole body is a map of coping strategies and conditioned responses that have kept you "safe" (breathing) so far. While your conscious mind and your Soul begs for joy, you are up against the programming of the nervous system.
And without fierce willpower FROM your conscious mind - from your heart - the nervous system will win everytime.

Lets use a driving metaphor. The brakes are locked down, and you keep pushing on the accelerator wondering why the car is not moving.
You know consciously where you want to go, who you want to be - but your body physically won't let you go there. The brakes are automatically on because it is safer to stay in the nice, safe driveway.
It takes, sometimes, an extreme act of determined will to force your foot off the brake. To get things moving.

and after that, often the foot will slam down immediately again after driving a tiny bit.
You will need to, potentially many times - use that willpower again. Until you map the new neural pathways (or "body thinks this particular event/ action is safe" beliefs).

basically, if you have done a bunch of healing work; and a ton of “finding yourself”;
but find yourself still unable to on the daily embody that Self you found -

it is probably a conditioned nervous system, saying
“I feel safe with only THIS much expression. This much expansion. Not too much!”

The Logistics.

⚈ 4 x intensive weekly 60-90 minute live group teaching/healing calls (details below)
⚈Voxer access to Heather for the duration of the course and one month following for mentoring in between calls.
⚈ A follow up q&a & final integration call one month after the course finishes to ensure you haven’t slipped back into past nervous system habits.
BONUS!!!!! The Energetic [s&]Mastery Masterclass.

and….EXCLUSIVE BONUS FOR THE FIRST THREE registrations: lifetime access to the Human Design Hedge Witch Membership.

Call One: You, Brutally Honest. Holding Desires & Vision
Tuesday November 28th @ 11am AEDT [8pm EST]

Set up your quantum leap set points, get in touch with buried desires, making the map & plan for You (expanded version) and ensure there is space in your life and energy field for You (expanded version).
Call Two: You, Safe. Reprogramming Brain & Body
Tuesday December 5th @ 11am AEDT [8pm EST]

This is where we really begin breaking through the conditioned settings of your nervous system. Full bodied decision making, maintaining self trust even when it feels like it's not working, keep showing up without feedback on who you are becoming (or worse - if you get negative feedback), understanding and breaking fears of stepping outside normal.
Call Three: You, Infinitely Powerful. Energetic Field Mastery
Tuesday December 12th @ 11am AEDT [8pm EST]
This one is a big healing call. Throat centre healing, witch wound healing, breaking through expansion anxiety, casual ego death & Ego integration, more nervous system expansion for holding more responsibility.
You, Integrated. Surrendering into receiving, knowing when to use discipline & Building Resilience.
Tuesday December 19th @ 11am AEDT [8pm EST]

Find safety and your own unique expression of balance between that Divine internal union between masculine discipline/logic and feminine surrender and intuitive knowing.

ONE MONTH LATER (approx mid-jan, will be scheduled closer to date): A 60 minute group q&a/mentoring session and final integration call to re-activate any places you have reverted back to your nervous system “standard setting” (which does happen!)

about your guide

Heather is a practicing witch, energy healer, human design energetics expert and deconditioning mentor. She holds a diploma in holistic therapy and a degree in health sciences. An expert in both the energetic and esoteric arts; as well as the physical body & nervous system. She is a teacher of applied human design (using human design information in embodiment) and Evolutionary Astrology. Read more here.


a four week intensive group program for women that have realised their only rival standing between them and their desired, full, expansive Life…
is their own conditioned nervous system. Ready to take up a lot of space and make empowered, liberated decisions. Convinced that if they just heal “that one big emotional block!” all their dreams will come true (when really all they need is a big dose of direction and ferocity.)

Weekly 60-90min live calls beginning November 28th.
A month-later follow up q&a, mentoring & final re-integration call is held on mid-Jan.



If you have questions, or want to organise a payment plan that works for you - send me an email to OR book a complimentary interest call using the scheduler above.

Payment plans available via request.