Saturn in Sagittarius & The Magic of Saturn

By Leanne Thurogood


Saturn is not the planet you would think of as magic.

The Father of the cosmos is known for restriction, hard work and following traditions and of course the Saturn Return. How does that fit with the adventure seeking, philosophical Sagittarius? It fits beautifully, almost like a glove. 

You see if you really delve into it, the ringed planet and the archer create a relationship where retraction and expansion are tempered; where knowledge and intellect are acquired, and where future ideals are made tangible. The Saturn in Sagittarius millennials have a way of making work fun and making fun work. 

If Saturn has a lesson for this sub generation its around trying to live and work in a system that they simply do not fit into. 

This Giant of the solar system does not disappoint, once it has made its way back to its original position of the natal chart it will bring its cosmic homecoming known as the Saturn return.

The Saturn in Sagittarius millennials have well and truly seen the back of this now and depending on the house placement and what planets the transit interacts with we all had different experiences of this. However lessons around personal freedom, beliefs, work and status were common themes. 

But these lessons are where the magic happens, because Saturn presents us with karmic lessons at a pivotal point in our lives as cyclical beings. All so that we can learn, grow and at times be taken to our knees so that we can emerge to live our lives in flow.

Saturn and Sagittarius energy creates a master of adaptability, where responsibility and integrity and ethics combine and this brings with it a collective group with the ability to set boundaries on what they will be told is right, a group that form and find their own belief systems.

Yes, we jump in with blind faith and the belief that the universe will hold us and yes sometimes we fall and fail but ultimately, we are the truth seekers. 


Hi! My name is Leanne Thurogood aka @coffee_fueled_ramblings, Iā€™m an evolutionary astrologer and energy healer originally from Scotland now living in Australia. 

 I have always had a love for astrology and from an incredibly young age knew that there was something significant about the birth date. I remember being 10 years old and asking for a horoscope book for Christmas, I would read the pages at the end of each day and marvel in the magic of the words. Cut forward to my Saturn return and it was a major theme at the forefront that became something I decided I had to study on a deeper level. 

For readings, come find me on Instagram! DM for availability.


And Now, In Aquarius, Saturn Returns.