alignment takes ferocity
Sit back, sit down, brew a tea if you want: and enjoy. This one is good so give your nervous system the treat of a slow read, instead of skimming 1000 emails in a morning.
When you are a human person with human problems, alignment isn’t a downhill current taking you exactly where you need to be without any input from you.
Alignment takes a ferocious attitude. It takes willpower. It takes dedication, it takes devotion to your vision, it takes discipline.
When you choose alignment, you don’t wake up one morning and never have to RE-align yourself. In fact, this is something I have learned the big fun tricky way (ahhh 3/5 living, always gotta live it to teach it): let yourself slip from your purpose long enough, and find yourself fighting your way back. I think it was what I needed for a time, but my 4 months on tropical islands, never really working on my craft and my passions and more or less taking a gap year late last year - it really disconnected me from my Soul and my joie de vivre for a time.
(I have two podcasts coming out on this topic this week - both a teaching and a storytime. Subscribe to the Sovereign Projector Podcast to make sure you don’t miss them.)
And. To get my sense of purpose back wasn’t a dip in the ocean and frolicking in a forest eating apple pie. It wasn’t my feminine who got me back into my purpose - she’d been running the show for nearly a year. No. It took work, it took discipline and it absolutely took (is taking!) being a little strict on myself as I refocused and readjusted to being someone who challenges herself rather than someone whose only intent for being is chilling. It can feel scary to admit in spiritual crowds, but I am a deeply ambitious woman. I love work. I love growing. I love expanding out of my comfort zone. (and this is a whole other thing, that I won’t get into now but I do get into during the Energetic [s&]Mastery masterclass: there is nothing unspiritual about admitting to yourself that you are an ambitious woman, too.
When you choose to follow your heart, your authority, your intuition, your unique mutation - whatever name you give to the burning desire to set out on your own authentic path - you are setting off on a path which approaches regular forks in the road. At these forks, you always have the decision: do I do what is easy, or do I continue to push myself into new challenges? New growth? New expansion? And if we follow a watered-down teaching about what is alignment, we might always head down the “easy” route. Because we think it feels more natural; and therefore must be the route most aligned, right?!
The thing with alignment is that it gets framed as a state of being in which you never feel like you are trying. Like you never feel like you are challenging yourself. I have been thinking about this lately - there is such a difference between tending to your inner child when they truly, deeply need it and simply babying yourself. To actually reparent yourself you need to develop not just the Inner Nurturer, but also the inner disciplinarian. The parent that says - stop your tantrum, pick up your mess, and get to work, baby girl.
There is a massive difference between pushing against the natural flow and rhythm of life, and pushing forward against previous iterations of your old self that want you to stay in that safe, cozy comfort zone.
Because - coming back to the fork in the road - if you are never pushing yourself beyond the bounds of comfort, you keep on the same path you have been heading down. You loop. You stay in the same place.
Energetic [s&]Mastery masterclass, all about finding your way back to reconnecting to discipline and routine (in a fun, spicy way) is just one of mannnnny teachings included in the Relentless Alignment x Human Design Bundle.
You will also find in there, allll of my favorite Human Design foundational teachings. My channels ebook, my pretty, brand new gates PDF, plus hours of classes. This is a perfect place for those who want to learn more about the system but don’t necessarily want a whole reader training.
And then, once you’ve got the foundations of deeply understanding your energetics down - your journey continues. Mosey on into the Applied Energetics section of the Bundle, and receive energetic adjustments left, right and centre: reconnect to your ambition & discipline in a playful, spicy way, with Energetic [s&]Mastery - as I mentioned. In the Quantum Rewriting of your past timelines masterclasses/healing session, you will learn to pattern trace then enter the quantum field to regain your Power from past patterns where it has been attached. The LIONESS Ego activation transmission & healing will see you owning how good you are at what you do, opening the doors for receiving your desires. Connect to and heal with your Inner Teen, the girl who holds all your repressed desires in her sweet, longing heart.
But why stop there - you can also stroll down the Organic Manifestation Mini Course lane, which is already dripping with my favourite projector insights into making manifestation like more breathing than laboring - but is going to be getting updated with 2x new modules that I am recording during this next two weeks as I have learned so much about organic manifestation in the 6 months since I recorded first the course.
These teachings and healings are my collection of my absolute favourites of the last 18 months. You know I am a third line teacher who has been through every single ringer, jumped off every cliff, stolen abroad every dangerous sailboat in order to provide you with the wisdom that actually works.
Containing 20+ hours of human design resources, PDFs, lectures and then also expansive masterclasses on organic manifestation, the throat centre, the ego centre, energetic mastery, slaying your inner spiritual good girl, healing your inner teen, getting back in touch with desire, quantum timeline healing, etc:
The Relentless Alignment Bundle is open.
You can get her on her own, or anytime you order a reading from me now you’ll automatically get access to this bundle.
Instagram: @relentlessalignment