a new era for deconditioning: creative human design experiments

If we assume that the ultimate purpose in a human life is to be creatively, uniquely self-expressed: to “be yourself”, as it were, and all the confusing layers and compilcations that come with that - then deconditioning is the path toward that purpose. When I talk about deconditioning I don’t just mean following Strategy & Authority, though obviously I am a Human Design fan - I am referring to the process of stripping away expectations, habits, beliefs etc to give yourself freedom to embody your fluctuating truth in any given moment.

For a lot of us Human Design gives a map and permission toward that Purpose!!!! It says yo, you aren’t like everyone else. So who are you? But there are also so many traps (especially lately) in the online space that MISS the point of a Human Design experiment. Have I gotten caught in some? Um, hell yes. I don’t claim to be above all this. I am like you, a woman trying to continue to uncover and reside in my truth in this world of Conditioning.

Now. I couldn’t put my finger on it for a long time - what was frustrating me so much within the online HD space. A big issue is that it had/has become so bland, so lifeless, so lacking in innovation, so lacking in creative expression: which to me, is all that HD stands for. When you decide to decondition, you decide to be the mutation of the “standard” life path. You decide to live a creative life because it is a life based on your own Design & intuition, rather than how you were raised. As a natural side effect of living a creatively turned on, deconditioned life: you will have new insights to add to the conversation.

And maybe it is a fear of “getting it wrong” that keeps HD content creators from sharing their unique insights, or maybe it is that a lot of HD content creators aren’t experimenting but just regurgitating what they’ve heard others say. Both do a deep disservice to the HD community, and to those finding the system now.

And obviously that is not true for everyone, everywhere - my god I know some incredible creators making magic and changing lives in this space (all while continuing to chase their own deconditioning, to explore their own journey, and to stand out vibrantly, whatever that means for them.) But for every 1 Innovator, there are 10 recycling and reverberating and not actually adding fresh insight to the conversation.

If you feel you have personal insights from your experiment that will help people who interact with your work, then share them - even if you are scared of “getting it wrong” from a HD textbook perspective. Because people are intelligent enough to know that what is true for you, might not necessarily be true for them!!!

SIDE NOTE: This morning I did an Instagram live chatting about the first step to deconditioning that is absolutely missed in SO MANY EXPERIMENTS. Head to @relentlessalignment to watch - the video is pinned to the top of my feed.

Now. One thing I noticed in my own Human Design Practitioner Training is (through my own fault, for putting too much information in there) - many people getting caught up in the little details and it disrupting the pursuit of the bigger picture. The truly important parts. Reading and interpreting charts is great but understanding how the Experiment of deconditioning can play out is so much more important.

I have come to view what the world needs more of: people to show how this information applies in the real world, and the huge range for how experiments can/will look. And much like I am currently overhauling my Evolutionary Astrology course - I am soso excited to start the process of overhauling my Human Design Practitioner Training -

And so today I present to you HDRT,

(but make it 2.0).

The new training (open now for enrollment!!!) has three big purposes. One - to be focused on application in the real world for yourself and for clients seeking to decondition and live a life that is creatively-self expressed; two, to move away from overload of information and into deep understanding and three - to hopefully inspire new ways of interacting with the HD information in a dynamic way so that everybody who truly connects with this system can add their own unique flair, unique expression, and unique genius to how they share it.

This training has two levels. Level One is more focused on deeply understanding Human Design and energetics and how they can be applied/observed/integrated to change your life and to guide clients to change theirs. Level Two will zoom in more specifically on charts, for different areas of life (relationships, self, wealth, health, business, work, etc).

You can join Level One, Level Two, BOTH, or even individual modules. It is a choose-your-own-learning adventure.

PS: you can get 10% as an early bird gift this week only using the code DECONDITIONING.

PPS: If you are a past student of mine desiring to experience the upgrades - reply to this email/ DM me and I’ll send you your special code for 20% off (students whose studies finished prior to August 2022) or 50% off (students from August 2022 to now.)


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